Dedicated MSP Owner Expands Reach and Capability with Dataprise

Wilmington's premiere IT management company has partnered with Dataprise to bring more capabilities to their clients and opportunities for their team. 

Humble Beginnings

Gerald Hooks' vividly remembers the first moment he laid hands on a computer during his first year of high school, when the school library acquired one for the sole purpose of indexing books and replace their library look up cards. His immediate fascination with the technology quickly blossomed into a computer and network engineering degree, which would ultimately serve as the foundation for starting his own business, Hooks Systems Technology from a one-bedroom apartment, in 1995. 


A Formula for Success

Gerald's ability to connect and communicate with people was a unique skill to pair with a highly technical aptitude for computer networking and engineering. However, Gerald experienced many challenges in the early years of business ownership - as many do. These lessons taught him the real hardships business owners experience and helped him relate on a personal level to his clientele.

Eventually, Gerald realized his company's strongest aptitude was centered around the ongoing management of a business's network infrastructure. He made the decision to shift all his focus to contracted-customers only, and to build the business exclusively around managing networks for long-term clients. With intense focus and discipline, he employed this vision and never looked back. 

An Instinct to Pass the Torch

Although Gerald was at the top of his game, instinctually he felt it was time for the business to transition. 

"I'm not sure there's ever a good time to exit from a successful fulling company... this is more about an innate responsibility to my employees and clients to ensure what started over 30 years ago continues to strive and prosper for many more years to come."

- Gerald Hooks

Finding the best possible buyer for Gerald's employees and clients was Gerald's first priority. He understood the only way to have a successful exit was to ensure the buyer was a great fit for his company's culture and business community. 

During MidStreet's proprietary auction process, one of the companies they identified in the marketplace turned out to be the right fit for Gerald and his team: Dataprise

Based in Rockville, MD Dataprise employs over 500 of the industry's most talented IT professionals, and serves more than 2000 clients nationwide. For Dataprise, Hooks Technology was a perfect fit for several reasons: The companies served a similar clientele, had a similar focus on managed IT, and offered several IT services that clients of Hooks Systems were beginning to request.

The sale of Hooks Systems, Inc. to Dataprise is more than a business transaction; it is a continuation of the legacy Gerald and his team have worked so many years to build. 

MidStreet's Role

The transaction was managed by Erik Sullivan and Jonah Pollone. Understanding the strong market for MSPs like Hooks Systems, MidStreet implemented a structured auction process to manage the sale. This included comprehensive market analysis, targeted marketing campaigns, and the creation of a competitive bidding environment.

Midstreet's goal was to honor Gerald's legacy while welcoming new stewardship that aligned with the long-term vision of Hooks Systems, Inc. MidStreet was able to position Hooks in the marketplace to attract a highly qualified group of potential buyers. Their expertise in crafting a tailored sales strategy, conducting buyer interviews, and facilitating detailed negotiations culminated in a transaction that not only met but exceeded expectations.

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